Welcome to the beginning of a new school year. You may be thinking now is the time to really make an effort to study: vocabulary, grammar and other elements of the language you want to learn. This is an admirable intention of course, but study is not the whole story when it comes to ‘acquiring’ a language. Just as important (if not more so) is reading and listening regularly in that language at a level which is slightlyabove your present level. What you read and listen to should be comprehensible to you and you should also find it truly interesting and preferably enjoyable. In this way you will ‘acquire’ elements of the language without even realising it. In the spirit of enjoyable language acquisition click on the picture below to review some of the language of enjoyment in our first quiz of this new year!
Notoriously forgetful goldfish have an attention span of about 9 seconds. That´s not surprising right? How big could their brains be? Amazingly though, a recent…
Independent learning and the Internet This post is about online learning resources, but before giving a few examples of the seemingly infinite possibilities…