Book love!

The 14th of February is………. International Book Giving Day, an opportunity to share a love of books with others. I often think giving books as gifts is a complicated business. Do you give a book you love yourself, one other people are reading, or do you think about who you are buying it for and spend half an hour in a bookshop looking for ‘just the right thing’? I recently did the latter for my mother-in-law. She says she likes it and I’ve seen it with the bookmark more than half-way through the book, but I still have my doubts. I guess I have too many unread or half-read gift books from friends to think otherwise. But of course, far better to risk not giving exactly the ‘right’ book than not to share a love of words and ideas with a really meaningful and personal gift. A great option for a present on Valentine’s day perhaps? Whenever that is… 😉 Click below for our February fact and activity sheet!

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